Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Old Movies

Who doesn't love a long weekend... three days off work - with pay!
Every now and then our local cinema has a special screening of something 'rare' and if your lucky enough to find out about it (somewhat lacking in advertising in our town) it can be a more novel kind of movie experience.

Yesterday we went and saw the Original, Black and White 1933 King Kong Movie with our Friends Shane at Lisa and it was AWESOME!
It was really neat to watch an old black and white film on the big screen, and extra great that it was one of the most classic movies of all time!I enjoyed it A LOT more then i had anticipated and will be keeping an eye out for the next 'special screening' of whatever comes our way!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Story Time- The Boasting Bull

Although i enjoy all things creative my passion is for Painting-Drawing-Illustrating etc !
I recently, and FINALLY, finished working on Illustrating a story for my now Mother In-Law which she wrote to read to her grandchildren.
We have had it printed and made into a book and we are both really happy with how it has turned out. Her story is great with a good little moral to it and I'm thrilled she likes the Illustrations!

Now that my Partner and I  are married and all the wedding prep and organization is over I will have a lot more time for other projects, time for completing older projects and taking on new ones!

I enjoyed working on my Mother In-Laws story and we have decided to put a few of her other tales together and create some more books for her grandchildren! I can't wait to see what story my Mother In-Law will send me next to work on!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Motivational Team!

I have officially been Mrs Mckinnon for One Month today!
My Husband is a driving force and major motivation behind my creativity. He helps me break out when I'm feeling creatively stuck or in an 'artistic drought'. He supports and encourages me and is constantly inspiring new ideas.
He is also rather artful himself! Dabbling in a few different creative things from Film Making to creating Handmade, Up-cycled (AWESOME) furniture!
We also have two little 'helpers' who enjoy being part of our creative processes... though not ALWAYS helpful, they are always welcome to 'join in'.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Creative Space

Although my primary focus is to get back into creating more of my ArtofAmy illustrations sometimes i need to take a break from them, or get stuck in a creative rut, but that doesn't mean putting a halt on the creativity all together, it just means a change of 'scenery' - that's where this blog comes in.
I pretty much love anything and all things creative - from writing to sewing, painting to crafting - I often have several projects on the go at once so this will be my creative space, a place to share my projects and unleash my imagination...